Thursday, October 4, 2007

Out of Town

I have not been printing as much, due to some day job travel and some studio travel to a motorcycle rally to work. After the rally we stayed at this motel in Panama City Beach. It was was pretty seedy on the inside, but the view from its porch was amazing, and more than made up for the interior flaws! Apparently the owners have this huge block of land including the motel that they want to put a huge condo complex on. However, the city won't approve the condos because the land has a bunch of public beach access right of ways. I'm sure this will be gone soon but it is a nice reminder of the way Florida used to be!

Panama City Beach, FL

Panama City Beach, FL

Hopefully I will be back to some printing soon, and will make it to my first craft show in late fall!

1 comment:

Shona~ LALA dex press said...

Beautiful view, but I can't help but think about Father Guido Sarducci and his musings on the origin of the white plastic chair.

First craft show? How exciting.